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Watch and Download Augustine Movie For Free

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013 | 18.30

Movie Title : Augustine
Release Date : May 17, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Art House & International,Drama
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Chiara Mastroianni,Olivier Rabourdin,Vincent Lindon,Gregoire Colin,Roxane Duran,Ange Ruzé,Soko,Sophie Cattani

After suffering an inexplicable seizure which leaves her paralyzed on her right side,19-year-old illiterate kitchen maid Augustine (27 year-old singer-turned-actress Soko in a break out performance), is shipped off to Paris' all female psychiatric hospital Pitié-Salpêtriere which specializes in detecting the then-fashionable ailment of 'hysteria'. Augustine captures the attention of Dr. Charcot (Vincent Lindon, Mademoiselle Chambon, Welcome) after a seizure which appears to give her intense physical pleasure. Intrigued, he begins using her as his principal subject hypnotizing her in front of fellow doctors - as she displays her spectacular fits in lecture halls - and eventually blurring the lines between doctor and patient. (c) Music Box Films
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NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For Augustine

User Ranting Movie Augustine : 3.2
User Percentage For Augustine : %
User Count Like for Augustine : 381
All Critics Ranting For Augustine : 7.1
All Critics Count For Augustine : 32
All Critics Percentage For Augustine : 78 %

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New Review For Movie Augustine
French physician Jean-Martin Charcot hypnotized, photographed and exhibited a hysteric, as does French director Alice Winocour for a clinical love story and empowerment tale.
Bill Stamets-Chicago Sun-Times

Ultimately, while this character-based drama proves consistently engrossing, it leaves various pertinent and fascinating issues frustratingly unexplored.
Godfrey Cheshire-Chicago Sun-Times

The psychosexual drama plays out beneath the surface -- the movie is so understated it sometimes feels inert.
Ben Sachs-Chicago Reader

Fiercely yet faithfully imagined by... Alice Winocur, [the film] is not exclusively a mystery. It's also part love story, part horror story, as well as a parable of gender, power and the enduring enigma that is the mind-body connection.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

Winocour does not reduce her characters to caricatures, but depicts them as unwitting actors in the tragedy of a pathological society.
Peter Keough-Boston Globe

Though the tone is solemn, I took the finale as a knowing, agreeably dirty joke.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

Unlike some movies that impose feminist views on 200-year-old stories, "Augustine" finds feminist sentiments within the story rather than imposing them from without.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

The stand out is French Pop star Soko as the title character, who gives an outstanding Oscar worthy performance!
Austin Kennedy-Film Geek Central

Emotionally believable performances by Vincent Lindon and Soko can't save Augustine from meandering and being tediously stuck in its 1st act.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru

Hand-held camera gives contemporary realism amidst the historically correct costumes and surroundings. . .[but] feminist iconography . . .makes the phenomenon seem a charade.
Nora Lee Mandel-Film-Forward.com

[VIDEO ESSAY] Newcomer director Alice Winocour drafts an erotically charged and socially complex telling of a controversial 19th century neurologist and the nubile patient he treats.
Cole Smithey-ColeSmithey.com

It would be fascinating to know what the writer/director intended here, because the material is so hopelessly muddled.
Nathan Southern-TV Guide's Movie Guide

A lushly filmed, fascinating true story about the relationship between a groundbreaking French doctor and his "hysteric" female patient buries itself with a simplistic approach and deadly-dull dialogue.
Chris Barsanti-Film Journal International

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